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Minnesota State Law Library

Neighbor Law

MN Administrative Rules

4717.0250 Definitions

Subp. 6. Pool.  "Pool" means any structure, chamber, or tank containing an artificial body of water for swimming, diving, relaxation, or recreational use including special purpose pools and wading pools.

Subp. 7.  Private residential pool.   "Private residential pool" means a pool connected with a single-family residence or owner-occupied duplex, located on private property under the control of the homeowner, the use of which is limited to family members or the family's invited guests. A private residential pool is not a pool used as part of a business.
4717.0150 Public Pools:  A public swimming pool includes any pool, other than a private residential pool operated by any person whether the person is an owner, lessee, operator, or concessionaire.  Parts 4717.0150 to 4717.3975 establish operation and maintenance, design, installation, and construction standards for public pools and facilities related to them.

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