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M. Jeanne Coyne, Associate Justice, 1982-1996


Photograph of M. Jeanne Coyne, 1983

Portrait of Mary Jeanne Coyne, 1983

Image credit: M. Jeanne Coyne, Associate Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court, 1983, courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society, por 21846 r1. Available online at 

Law Review, 1954

M. Jeanne Coyne is the only woman on the University of Minnesota Law Review in 1954​​​​​

Harry MacLachlan, future Minnesota Supreme Court Justice and Walter Mondale, future governor are also pictured below.​​​​​​University of Minnesota Law Review Editors and Members, 1954

Image credits: Minnesota Law Review members and editors, 1954, courtesy of University of Minnesota Archives.

1983 Court Photo

Minnesota Supreme Court, 1983

L to R: Lawrence Yetka, Glenn Kelley, C. Donald Peterson, Rosalie Wahl, Douglas Amdahl, John Simonett, John Todd, M. Jeanne Coyne, George Scott

Minnesota Supreme Court, 1983

Image credits: Minnesota Supreme Court, 1985, courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society, FM6.34 r4, AV1985.209.17,

Supreme Court in 1986

Minnesota Supreme Court in early 1986

L to R: George Scott, M. Jeanne Coyne, C. Donald Peterson, John Simonett, Douglas Amdahl, Glenn Kelley, Lawrence Yetka, Rosalie Wahl


Supreme Court in 1986

Minnesota Supreme Court in late 1986

L to R: Rosalie Wahl, Lawrence Yetka, Glenn Kelley, Douglas Amdahl, John Simonett, George Scott, M. Jeanne Coyne

Court 1993

Minnesota Supreme Court 1993

L to R Back: Sandra Gardebring, M. Jeanne Coyne, Esther Tomljanovich, Alan Page
L to R Front: Rosalie Wahl, A.M. "Sandy" Keith, John Simonett

Seven justices sitting as a court