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Minnesota State Law Library

Minnesota Legal History

Digitized historical documents from Minnesota's history.

Legislative Research

If you haven't done Legislative Research before, take a look at our guide to help you navigate this unique research area.

The Journals of the House & Senate track what happens to each bill during the legislative process.  Electronic versions for contemporary journals are available back to 1994. Territorial Journals are available from 1849-1857 and early statehood journals are available up to 1921.

Legislative Manuals include basic information about the state of Minnesota, elections, and important documents. In addition, they list the significant people in government during a particular time from the Legislature, Executive Offices, Agencies, Judiciary, Local Government, Federal Government, and Tribal Government.


In our positions as librarians, not lawyers, we can suggest resources but cannot give legal advice (such as which form to file) or legal opinions (such as how a statute might apply to particular facts). To do so could be considered the unauthorized practice of law. Even though we try to suggest materials that will be of help, more research is often required to find a complete and correct answer. For many questions, the best answer may be to consult an attorney.