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Minnesota State Law Library

Jack Davies, Judge, 1990-2000


Senator Jack Davies and Senator Doug Johnson confer during a Senate floor session, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Jack Davies and Doug Johnson on Senate Floor


Senator Sam Solon confers with Senator Jack Davies on the Senate floor in the late 1970s

Jack Davies and Sam Solon on Senate floor


Senator John Thomas Davies, 1963-1964 Legislative Session

Jack Davies, 1963-1964 Legislative Session


Senator John Thomas Davies, Minnesota Legislature, 1981-1982 Legislative Session

Jack Davies, 1981-1982 Legislative Session

Image Credit: Nelson, Mark. 1977 - 1982. "Senator Jack Davies and Senator Doug Johnson confer during a Senate floor session, St. Paul, Minnesota."
Minnesota Legislative Reference Library,
Nelson, Mark. 1977 - 1980. "Senator Sam Solon confers with Senator Jack Davies on the Senate floor in the late 1970s.." Minnesota Legislative Reference Library,
"Senator John Thomas Davies, 1963-1964 Legislative Session, Minnesota
Legislature." Minnesota Legislative Reference Library,
Oakes, David (Minnesota Senate Photographer). 1981. "Senator John Thomas Davies, Minnesota Legislature, 1981-1982 Legislative Session." Minnesota
Legislative Reference Library,
