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Minnesota State Law Library

Lawrence R. Yetka, Associate Justice 1973-1993

1983 Court Photo

Minnesota Supreme Court, 1983

L to R: Lawrence Yetka, Glenn Kelley, C. Donald Peterson, Rosalie Wahl, Douglas Amdahl, John Simonett, John Todd, M. Jeanne Coyne, George Scott

Minnesota Supreme Court, 1983

Image credits: Minnesota Supreme Court, 1985, courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society, FM6.34 r4, AV1985.209.17,

Supreme Court in 1986

Minnesota Supreme Court in early 1986

L to R: George Scott, M. Jeanne Coyne, C. Donald Peterson, John Simonett, Douglas Amdahl, Glenn Kelley, Lawrence Yetka, Rosalie Wahl


Supreme Court in 1986

Minnesota Supreme Court in late 1986

L to R: Rosalie Wahl, Lawrence Yetka, Glenn Kelley, Douglas Amdahl, John Simonett, George Scott, M. Jeanne Coyne