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Special Collections Room Virtual Tour

Natura Brevium Gallery

Natura Brevium

Natura Brevium Title Page

This book is the oldest item in the library's collection. It was published in 1557 and printed in England. It's possible to see the outlines of the printers blocks around the edges of some of the letters, particularly R and A. This book was donated to the library by former Governor Elmer L. Anderson during the Sesquicentennial celebrations in 1999.

Natura Brevium Cover

Natura Brevium Cover

This is a newer cover, replaced sometime before the library acquired it in 1999.

Natura Brevium Spine

Natura Brevium Spine

Natura Brevium R. Tottell, 1557

Natura Brevium page 1

Natura Brevium page 1

While this book was printed in English, it is an earlier form of the language, when spelling hadn't been settled yet. The type font also makes it challenging to read.

Natura Brevium Publishing information

Natura Brevium Publishing information

"Imprinted at London in Flete Strete, within Temple Barre, at the sygne of the Hande and Starre, by Rycharde Tottell, the xxvii daie of Februarye. Anno domini, 1557. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum."

Math problems are another type of annotation left in the book.

Natura Brevium Notes

Natura Brevium Notes

Many of the end papers in this volume are covered in the writings of previous owners. One notable annotation is the name of a previous owner, "Samuel Jones, his booke, 1697"